Friday, February 27, 2009
Russell's Email 2-26-09
We also had Zone Conference where we got to meet with President Christensen. It was a really neat experience to have his instruction and to talk about the content of the L Tom Perry meeting a few weeks ago. Lucky, we get to apply these programs that he talked about which will help the work so much more now. I'm excited to teach more and contact less. the neat thing about it is, the members are becoming out full time finders and we are becoming full time teachers. Pretty sweeeeet. I got to sing a special musical number with 5 other elders too! We sang "Brightly Beams our Fathers Mercy" and "Come thou fount" all to the tune of come thou fount and it was awesome. The story behind Brightly Beams our Fathers mercy is really neat. It says "Brightly Beams our Fathers mercy, from his lighthouse evermore." the lighthouse is the gospel and his love. It's salvation. It's the Savior. "I am the light of the world." Then it says, "but to use he gives the keeping of the lights along the shore." So the lighthouse is where we want to be, but the lights along the shore were placed between coral reefs that would destroy a boat. A sailor would point his boat directly at the fire and he would be lead safely into the harbor. Such is our duty is to lead those who are "poor fainting struggling sea men" safely to the harbor of the Lord's love.
We saw this lighthouse experience as we taught Nancy. She is struggling with her mother and we were able to teach and testify of the Savior and his atonement, and the strength that he can provide to help us through our trails. While they don't disappear, we have the strength that we stand in need of to face whatever. It's the invitation of the Savior in Matthew "Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
So on a lighter note, Sampson got punched in the face on his mission, so I have to share my story. Elder Davis and I are running late to an appointment and we pass two guys walking who looked less than presentable so we kept riding (we were already late) but one of the guys flagged us down. He said, "You're mormons right?!" "yes...." "Let me tell you a thing or two about Joe Smith!" he said something about visions and then looked at Elder Davis "Do you see visions?!" "I personally.." DO YOU SEE VISIONS? "No." He turns to me, "Do you see visions?" (with my bike between me and him) "I know it's true." He gets in my face and touches his forehead to my helmet, "Do YOU see visions?" I said, "sir, we gota go. Here's a card, visit the website on the back. Have a great day." and we started to leave but he said something else to Elder Davis, so he stopped for a second more. as he starts to leave, the guy says, "Go! Be with God..." Oh, maybe I should have mentioned earlier he had a bag with 3 HUGE cans of beer and that he looked as if those were round two.... hahaha I alsmost peed my pants! but all ended well!
Oh yeah, DAd, I get to teach seminary on Monday. hahaha
That's the highlights of the week I think. I love serving and doing this work. there is not another place I would rather be. I'm glad I still have so much time to serve.
Thanks for stopping by, and stay classy
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 2-19-09
On Sunday Elder Davis and I had a really good day. We made a street contact that invited us back and when we went she wasn't there but her sister was! We set up a return appointment and that fell through but her sister called while we were at church and left us a message asking us to stop by.
We had a lesson with her and set her for baptism. Jamie is scheduled to be baptized on the 28 of March but she has a long way to go. However, I know the atonement is real and that it has power to change behaviors.
After that lesson, we had a lesson with the U. family (the ones who came to church seeking help.) We set both of the parents for baptism for the 14 of March and are focusing on the kids now. I don't think they will have much problem making this date, but we aren't going to leave anything up to chance.
Yep, that's right. We set three people in one day! I feel like I'm in south America :P
We are also teaching several less active families who are speeding towards reactivation. The B. family was at church and will be there again. The F. family just needs a little push and we are working with them. The C.'s are really progressing and moving along quickly. We are about to start meeting with the W.'s who I can relate to pretty well. The parents both ride/race bikes pretty heavily. I'm excited to see where that goes.
The Lord is aware of his children. I see that every day. Preach My Gospel talks about having faith the Lord will put people in our path, that He is preparing people for the Gospel, and I know that's true.
This week I had a renewed gratitude for the Atonement of the Son of God. Go look at Who can deny the Christ? He is the literal living son of our literal living God. Watch the video on of "Mormons are Christians" by Elder Jeffery R Holland. Who can deny the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ? No one can if they are touched by the Spirit.
I love this work. I am often reminded of the statement "If the Church wasn't true, the missionaries would have destroyed it a long time ago." While this is funny, it's so true! No unhallowed work could move forward in the hands of 19-25 year old missionaries. This work HAS to be true. Try that logic.
Elder Hitchcock
Monday, February 16, 2009
Russell's Email 2-12-09
This week was slower with not as many highlights, but the big things that we got were super! For FHE with our bishop, we taught him the message of the restoration and the spirit was so strong. After the lesson, Elder Davis asked him, "Bishop, we know the rep of the missionaries before was not good and we feel like we don't have the trust of the ward. How can we get that?" Through tears the bishop replied, "Do that, do what you just did." It was a super neat experience.
We are also close to commiting the U. family for baptism. They have said they want to join the Church and all that, but as we teach we haven't felt that impression yet. Follow the Spirit right? They will get baptized though.
We are also moving towards baptism with another investigator but she is a little more long term. She needs to get married and change a few things, but I don't think she is more than a month out if she will get married. I really love teaching her with her less active husband and her to be in laws who are reactiving themselves. (Kealohalani from last weeks email.)
We also invited a less active family to church and found out that the husband was a RM and served in TN. Pretty neat. They were at Church. I love how so many people just need a simple invitation that just shows, "I care." It's awesome.
This mission is the greatest thing that anyone could ever do. I know it and I love it. Two years is not enough, and even though it sometimes seems like to long, it's never enough. When we only get two years to serve, and we have eternity to reflect on it, two years is never enough. But, I'll always do my best and the Lord will do the rest.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Pictures from 2-5-09
Russell's Email 2-5-09
I don't know if I will ever get used to how much the Lord blesses us everyday and how mindful he is of his children. I think it will continue to blow my mind each week. I love doing this work.
This past week has been really exciting. We have had some great lessons with very incrediable investigators and we also had about an hour and a half long meeting with Elder L Tom Perry and Elder Neal L Anderson (He gave the talk, "You know enough." at conference.) I loved it because the first thing they did was shake everyones hand. I love General Authorities.
I'll go through at a later time and type what all he talked about, or I might just try to send the meeting home (I got the voice clip of it.). I loved to hear the words of an Apostle, and the fact that he is the head of the missionary committee for the Church made it so much more inspiring.
We are still teaching the U. family, who are learning about Church. They don't have much background in religion, but they for sure see the need for it right now in their life. They are the family that came and talked to our Bishop about their daughter. I really like them a lot and they are progressing towards baptism.
We also picked up a awesome contact a few weeks ago named Nicole. She is from TN and is really good friends with one of our ward missionaries. We have another lesson with her tonight and so I'm super excited to keep moving forward with her too!
I also got a new hero last night. This girl, Kealohalani (I've mentioned her before) is my hero. She is 8, and for whatever reason decided she wanted to get baptized. Because of this desire her grandparents are now reactivated. Her father is about to start coming back to Church, and her to be step mom is getting ready for baptism. It's amazing the pure motives of a child and the example that can be set.
Elder Perry told us that we needed to start teaching 20 sit down lessons a week! As it is, we probably teach 7-10 and so Elder Davis and I are looking forward to that! The member work is about to boom, which is how it should be! Preach My Gospel was designed to bridge the gap between the ward and the missionary program. I love how it really does do that and how it's becoming the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's not the Church and the missionary program, but as we "perfect the saints, we proclaim the Gospel."
I love this work and seeing it change lives. We talk to so many people on the streets and in passing that seem to have a sense of dispair. We ask them, "Do you know that you have a loving Heavenly Father?" and then we get to testify. After that we ask, "Do you know that your loving Heavenly Father has a plan, especially for you, to return and live with him again?" We get a second chance to testify before setting an appointment. Elder Kikuchi instructed us to contact like this, and it's amazing to see the light that clicks and the dispair flee at the testimony of truth. More often then not, they turn us away, but there is always a seed of faith that is planted. I love this work. Time seems to fly by. Having already passed through a transfer is mind boggling, but it's motivating. That is six weeks less that I have to serve, so for the next 14 periods of 6 weeks, I must serve with all my heart, might, mind and soul.
Thanks for your support. Thanks for the letters. Thanks for the emails and the encouragment. I love hearing from everyone and I really enjoy sharing these experiences. I pray every day for those at home and those who are so precious to me. I love you all, and I'll hear from you soon.
Elder Hitchcock
Monday, February 2, 2009
Russell's Email 1-29-09
Hey everyone,
This week was another great week for missionary work. I am having so much fun here in Henderson and I really love seeing the work progress. I love seeing the changes that people make, but I continue to see the Lord's hands in the work, and that I am just the instrument.
So last night we were teaching this 8 year old who wants to get baptized. Kealohalani got her grandparents to come back to Church and her inactive father and his girlfriend have been attending the lessons. Part way through the lesson last night, we talked to Kea about baptism and then a tought came to me, "John 14:26." After reading Galations 5 about the fruits of the Spirit, we read John 14:26 and I took at the parents and I said, "Jonna, one thing I have learned on my mission is to follow impressions. Do these scriptures describe the way you have felt as we have taught?" She looked sheepish and with a "I don't want to admit it" look, she said "yes." I looked at her boyfriend Tom (Kea's dad) and he shook his head also. I said, "Jonna, will you prepare yourself to be baptized, and Tom, will you prepare yourself to come back to the Church?" It was awesome....
Another story, on the flip side, shows the fight against this work. The other day we were having a lesson with the U. family (family of 4) and half way through the first vision, the dog went crazy over nothing and you could feel opposition. Soon after, just as with Joseph Smith, when Heavenly Father said, "Joseph, this is my beloved son, hear him." The only feeling remaining in the room was the Spirit.
We also have had some great lessons with ward missionaries lately. A neat couple attended the U. lesson with us, and then the W. family has given us two referrals that have turned out very promising. I know one of them wants to get baptized, and that the other is very sincere in her interest. To quote her, she said, "I don't want to raise my boys to be men, I want them to be men of God." We are teaching her again tonight, and I think we will open up with the story of the Strippling Warriors.
I love my mission. It's absolutely amazing to think it has already been almost a whole transfer. This work is the greatest work on the face of the earth and it will continue to roll forth. I love serving each day and seeing people's days be brightened not because of me, but because of the message we are sharing.
I love you all. Thanks for your prayers and the help I get.
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 1-22-09
This week has been the most amazing so far! The past weeks have really proved to be a refiners fire and now Elder Davis and I are reaping the blessings of diligence and endurance.
A few things I have learned, number 1, my hair CAN part. (mind boggling I know) 2, The Lord is bound when we do what he says. 3, Love. No one in this world has EVER changed without feeling loved first.
This week is awesome. On Sunday we had 1 potential investigator. Sunday evening we got two referrals, and by Monday afternoon we now have 8 potential baptisms in our ward. Here's the story.
Elder Davis and I taught the Welsh family (Brother Welsh is in the Bishopric). We had told them before that we wanted a name to go and visit so Elisa (15 year old daughter) gave us the name of one of her friends Dean. So the next day she is talking to her friend Carly at school and Elisa says, "I hope Dean doesn't get mad I sent the missionaries." Carly says, "I want the missionaries to come visit me." We will teach Carly with Elisa, and Dean with his really good friend Chris from the ward.
Then Bishop Brant called us and asked us to meet him at the Chapel 15 minutes before the Stake Priesthood meeting. We sat with him and one of the YW leaders in a room and he told us a story that happened during church. A woman and her husband walked in and someone brought them to the bishops office. They were dressed in jeans and t shirts and bishop said his first thought was "Awesome, another walfare case to handle." (apartently the people of vegas work the system hardcore.) but he told us, "I looked at them and then realized they were wearing nice clothes, and that was not the case. They then told me that they were really struggling with their daughter and they always remembered the Mormon kids from school being such great kids. They want her to get involved in the young womens program. Then they wanted to include their son also." Well, turns out that now every Sunday and Wednesday is now for Church activites and us. They are a family of four!!!!
THEN! A recent covert took her friend to church. This friend saw a picture of the first vision and just broke down crying. Cecil and her 2 kids are starting the lessons TONIGHT! All of these referrals are really serious and "golden opporunities." I'll keep ya posted.
I love this work. It's awesome. I have seen myself grow as I have gotten to teach those who need the gospel. I want to share my mission goals that I wrote down.
1 Become the missionary/man I want to be.
2 Be a missionary of change. Leave EVERYWHERE better than I found it.
3 Don't just know who Christ is, but Know Jesus Christ.
4 I want to be the missionary who understands the atonement because I myself will do things for others they couldn't do for themselves.
5 Become a missionary that when I come home no one will doubt how I served my mission.
6 (This is the personality of a member who helps us out that I want to be like.) Be a RM that could be home almost a year, thinking about engagement, but would be mistaken for a RM of a month. (haha, hope that makes sense.)
7 Don't loose my greenie fire. I want to be a missionary that could train at the year mark. (President said we have tons of missionaries who train in the last 6 months, and tons who train at 4.5-6 months, but no one really in the middle.) I want to keep my focus so I could be called on to train at any time.
I know this gospel is true. I see the stone cut without hands is picking up speed as it rolls down the mountain. This isn't a worldly work. This isn't a human work. This isn't a temporal work, this is the world of our Heavenly Father.
I heard it said, "Sometimes we believe our Fisher Price compass will lead better than the Lord's Liahona." Let the Spirit guide. "Faith is the power, obedience is the price, love is the motive, the Spirit is the Key, and Christ is the reason."
I love you. I pray for you.
Elder Russell Christian Hitchcock