Monday, February 2, 2009

Russell's Email 1-29-09

*Sister/Editor note: I am a little behind in posting Russell's emails. I will be posting one more this week, after we hear from him on Thursday.

Hey everyone,
This week was another great week for missionary work. I am having so much fun here in Henderson and I really love seeing the work progress. I love seeing the changes that people make, but I continue to see the Lord's hands in the work, and that I am just the instrument.
So last night we were teaching this 8 year old who wants to get baptized. Kealohalani got her grandparents to come back to Church and her inactive father and his girlfriend have been attending the lessons. Part way through the lesson last night, we talked to Kea about baptism and then a tought came to me, "John 14:26." After reading Galations 5 about the fruits of the Spirit, we read John 14:26 and I took at the parents and I said, "Jonna, one thing I have learned on my mission is to follow impressions. Do these scriptures describe the way you have felt as we have taught?" She looked sheepish and with a "I don't want to admit it" look, she said "yes." I looked at her boyfriend Tom (Kea's dad) and he shook his head also. I said, "Jonna, will you prepare yourself to be baptized, and Tom, will you prepare yourself to come back to the Church?" It was awesome....
Another story, on the flip side, shows the fight against this work. The other day we were having a lesson with the U. family (family of 4) and half way through the first vision, the dog went crazy over nothing and you could feel opposition. Soon after, just as with Joseph Smith, when Heavenly Father said, "Joseph, this is my beloved son, hear him." The only feeling remaining in the room was the Spirit.
We also have had some great lessons with ward missionaries lately. A neat couple attended the U. lesson with us, and then the W. family has given us two referrals that have turned out very promising. I know one of them wants to get baptized, and that the other is very sincere in her interest. To quote her, she said, "I don't want to raise my boys to be men, I want them to be men of God." We are teaching her again tonight, and I think we will open up with the story of the Strippling Warriors.
I love my mission. It's absolutely amazing to think it has already been almost a whole transfer. This work is the greatest work on the face of the earth and it will continue to roll forth. I love serving each day and seeing people's days be brightened not because of me, but because of the message we are sharing.
I love you all. Thanks for your prayers and the help I get.

Elder Hitchcock


Anonymous said...

Could you give me his address??? This is his friend Kelsey from Murfreesboro!

Lauremo Noto said...

yeah! I'd like his address too!

Haley Hale said...

If you would like Russell's address, email me at haleyhhale{at}yahoo{dot}com and I will send it to you!