Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Russell's Email 8-13-09

This week has been nuts.
Saturday we baptized our last investigator. Tragic experience because now we have no one to teach. Elder s. and I have been trying to come up with different ideas to help us find some more people and guess what?! We have gotten no where! Of course that hasn't discourages us, we are still working hard. We have been using Preach My Gospel to try to find those things that will help us, and one of the things we are doing is fasting! Now, recently I learned that I'm not supposed to ask you to join in special fasts, so I won't! But I do ask that you remember this in your prayers! If you can be really specific, we are fasting to find new investigators that we can teach, who will progress and that we can baptize!
The Lord knows our hearts, and I know that. Yesterday we had the zone leaders down from Elko and we went on splits. Because of our lack of investigators, we did a lot of finding, and we even did some stuff that was totally foreign to the Las Vegas mission. WE WENT TRACTING!
All I hear is about ineffictive tracting is. It's no fun, it's hard, no one gets baptized as a result, blah blah blah. Tracting is awesome! We found three new investigators (but we need more!) and taught several lessons yesterday! I wouldn't want to tract all day every day, but I really enjoyed myself!

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