Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Note from Haley

As many of you probably know, Elder Hitchcock lived with me and my family for several months after I had my twin boys. During this time, it became a "game" to find foods that Elder Hitchcock would eat (other than chicken quesadillas, pepperoni pizza, and homemade rolls). I finally found a pasta dish that he really liked. (He's gonna be so mad at me for telling everyone about his picky eating habits!)

Fast forward many months: I got the sweetest email from a family in Elder Hitchcock's ward, who were going to feed the missionaries one night and apparently Elder Hitchcock conveyed his love of this certain pasta dish. This sweet family was going to make one of his favorite meals for him. Of course, I sent the recipe, and they sent me back this picture of Elder Hitchcock and Elder Davis, along with their family.

Thank you to the Vazquez family for feeding my brother, and for going out of your way to cater to a picky eater!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Haley,

As you may know Elder Hitchcock was transfered a couple of weeks ago, and we miss him very much.

As to our surprise, we had no clue that Elder Hitchcock was the picky one. We assumed it was his companion. Elder H.