Thursday, August 6, 2009

Russell's Email 6-25-09

Well Well Well, another week has come and gone and the work continues to roll forth. I love the Standard of Truth by the Prophet Joseph. "The standard of truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from the standard of truth has been erected; No un hallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
My highlight of this week was a baptism that I got to take part of with Elder and Sister B. They are pretty much my heros in the mission field and I have grown to really love and respect them. Anyway, they had a 77 year old investigator who had made the decision to follow the Savior's example and be baptized, despite her huge fear of water. (she said she could hardly take a shower because of the water on her face, much less be baptized and be immersed in the water.) Anyway, she struggled to get herself to the font and Sister Beaty offered a prayer that gave her the courage to face her fears. Even though I was there and in the water, I didn't really do anything (except grab her towel really quick to get the water off her face) but it was truly a blessing to me to see a 77 year old woman overcome a fear like that. It's so great to be a missionary and to do this work. I really love it.

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