Monday, March 22, 2010

Russell's Email 10-15-09

more new adventures! Coming every six weeks from the Nevada Las Vegas mission! The latest happened at the last transfer conference (last Tuesday) where a new companionship moved into my ward!!! And then they took our 2 investigators with a baptism date and almost all of our progressing investigators! :(
As much as I don't like it, I had a spiritual confirmation that this was the correct thing that this time. Elder S. continue to cover the Desert Sage ward, but now we cover from (specific street names...don't know if that should be public knowledge or not!!). Basically a half mile wide by about 3 miles long.
I'm excited to serve with this two other missionaries and to work as hard as I can. I really feel that the Lord is going to bless us with more investigators to replace the ones that we lost and help us still have success as we serve.
Things are going better also in our apartment! No more bed bugs! I can't tell you how nice it is to get rid of those nasty little creatures! Our apartment is also a lot cleaner. I love that so much!
I have a special request from everyone. I told our investigator, Maria, that I was going to ask everyone to include her in their prayers. Will everyone do that? She could really use the extra prayers and support, even if she doesn't know she's getting them. Thanks so much!
Hm, I think that's about all that happened this week, and I hope that everyone has had a great week and that they will yet have an amazing and blessed week. Love ya!

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