Monday, March 22, 2010

Russell's Email 10-8-09

This week has been fun! Conference was nothing short of amazing and I really loved the talks that were given. I'll try to share some of my favorites.
Elder Holland, like always, takes it all. His talk was nothing more than amazing pure testimony from a special witness of the Savior and of the divinity of this work.
I also loved Elder Ballards talk in the Priesthood session and about communication between fathers and sons. Something I quickly realized is these suggestions are perfect for that relationship, but could and should be applied to all other relationships.
Elder Bednar's talk was amazing. My favorite part was when he said that it shouldn't be the case for husbands to say, "I don't tell my family I love them enough." I made the decision right then to be the one who says, "My wife probably gets sick of me telling her that I love her, but I love her."
Tadd R Callister also had an amazing talk along with Elder Renlund. I look forward to reading Elder Renlund's talk again (about his son who was working in the area he had prayed would be opened.) When he talked about that, I felt something say, "You need to pray for those in China, your son could be one of those missionaries." I also thought about whose prayers I might an answer to. I for sure had a stronger determination to remain worthy to be the answer to their prayers.
Those were my special moments of conference, but I think the highlight was this scripture. John 6:67-69
"Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom should be go, thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe, and are sure, that thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." One of the General Authorities said this scripture should be engraven on our hearts. I invite everyone to memorize this and internalize it in their lives. I've started to, and I love it.
Thanks for stopping by, have a great week!

Elder Russell Hitchcock

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