Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Russell's Email 12-31-09

So, little did I know, but five weeks ago when I had my boy (Elder V. B.) I actually had twins!!!! That's right, I have two green missionaries! Elder F. was another missionary serving in my ward, and he was training a new missionary but he went home a week early so that he could get into this next semester of school. Because of that, I adopted his greenie, Elder B. That's right, I have two new missionaries! I will have them for a week until transfers (coming up on Tuesday the 5th)
I haven't had more fun on my mission than the time I am having right now. I love serving with Elder V. B. and Elder B., its a blast.
We are teaching like crazy and talking to so many people along the way. I don't speak spanish and Elder V. B. doesn't either, but elder B. sure does! It's neat to street contact because we will all go talk to different people and in just a few minutes we will talk to like 10 people. When we have sit down lessons, the three of us teach in almost perfect unity. It's truly amazing to see the Lord's blessing as he helps us to do his work. I haven't had more fun than I have these past few days.
Over the past few days, I have realized how quickly time can and does pass. I've already been out a year, and I've had the shortest, quickest transfer of my mission and I only have 49 more weeks left. That sounds like a ton, but I see how it disappears so quickly. Serving a mission is for sure the greatest and most wonderful thing I could do.
I'm interested to see what happens in these next few days. I love my companions and our situation, but I have beens serving in this ward for the past 4 1/2 months, and I haven't had a six month area yet. We shall see what happens, but how I hope it's the Lord's will that I serve with at least one of these two missionaries next transfer.
I also wanted to say thank you for all the Christmas presents. I really enjoyed my socks, ties, slacks, candy, and everything that was sent to me. I intend to send a thank you card to everyone, but if I miss someone please forgive me! I hope that you all also had a very merry Christmas and that you are looking forward to an amazing new year starting tomorrow!

Elder Hitchcock

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