By special request, the caption for this picture is supposed to be "Las Vegas Missionaries vs. LV West Missionaries."(
although the Las Vegas missionaries are on the right...)
Elder B. and I are doing wonderful. Transfer to date we have 6 baptisms, with 4 for set up for the remainder of the transfer and the zone is doing amazing as well. Again, the mission goal is to teach 20 lessons a week with members present. For 10 companionships, week one we taught 71 LTM's, and then week 2 we taught 107, the highest this zone has seen on record. There are super amazing blessings being poured out upon this zone. I don't know if I can think of something more humbling than reflecting on a day or week and seeing how the Lord had his hand in our work. I want to share a few examples of that.
First, and in my opinion the best, is a guy named B. Over the last year or so, {he has encountered great struggles}, and just having a way tuff time. He went to a carpentery class and the instructor is a member. Well, B. moved in with Brother C. and the family shared the gospel with them. Since then, we have seen him every night and he says, "I'm past my investigation stage, I'm believing, I just need to learn more." this guy is amazing and has built my faith so much! Because of his work situation we haven't set him for baptism, but that event is right around the corner for B.
Second, how many times have you seen missionaries take up the entire sacrament meeting? Last sunday we had 6 confirmations that allowed for about 5 people to share their testimonies and that was about it. It was awsome!
Third, is the blessings of teaching. In two weeks we have had 6 baptisms. A family of 3, a family of 2 (mother and son) and a single guy named W. Their conversions are all ones that have strengthened my testimony of member missionary work. The family of three, the husband is a music teacher at the school across from my house in my last area. Well, about 1/2 of his students are members of the church, his teachers assistant is a member. Their goal was to share this gospel with him, and his whole family came to know of the truth of the gospel. The mother and son were introduced to the church through her friend that they worked with. W. lives with his friends from high school who are members of the church.
Surely this statement is true, "When we experience the blessings of gospel living, we naturally want to share those blessings with others... the most powerful missionary message you can send is your own example of living a happy Latter-day Saint live. Remember that people do not join the Church only because of the gospel principles they learn. They join because they feel something that begins to satisfy their spirutal needs. If you are sincere in your relationship with them, they will be able to feel of your spirit and happiness.
In addition to setting a good example, you can "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you." (1 Peter 3:15) You can pray for opportunities to tell others about the restored gospel. Then you can be alert, because many people yearn for the truth."
What an opportunity it is to serve in a mission that is experiencing the blessings that the Nevada Las Vegas Mission is having. I couldn't say anything more to express my gratitude or my excitement concerning my mission. It's to much to send in an email or write in a letter, or even to speak with words.
Thanks for all that ya'll do. I love you very much.
Elder Russell Hitchcock