Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Russell's Email 9-24-09
The transfer started slow but now time is flying by! It's already been a month, and we are planning for week 5 (of 6) tomorrow! Time really does fly by.
We currently have 3 people set with a baptismal date, and a forth one soon to come. we also have about 4 people who are progressing towards baptism! This area is on fire!
Elder S. (new companion) and I are working really well together and finding great joy in this work. I cannot think of a better time that I have had on my mission than right now.
What I really love the most is that I'm trying my hardest and the Lord is opening doors that previously were closed. I know that this is his work because the blessings I am experiencing are not things I could make happen on my own.
I want to share a couple stories about member missionary work.
we are teaching a lady named N. who is progressing towards baptism. a few years ago she was in a very bad car accident and she woke up only remembering her name. Now she is doing much better, but she is still trying to find peace and happiness. Here's something that really struck me, she said, "All the happy people I know are mormons!" And I thought about it, Why? Because we have the gospel and we know who we are and who our Heavenly Father is! She's beginning to know and understand that, and it's because her Physical Therapist (who is a member) helped her to open her eyes to the truthfulness of the gospel.
The other example is D. I don't know to much about her, other than she lives with a member, but she was invited to take the missionary lessons. She loves the church so much and wants to embrace the gospel, and it's all because of the example that the members set.
Example, more powerful than what you say, is who you are (*note from the sister: Russell didn't put that in bold type-it just really stuck out to me and made me think about the kind of example I am setting for others. ). I know that this is true and that people notice everything about "the mormons."
I also had a really neat experience. I have a friend who is going to BYU and works at the bike shop who is in the same position I was in last year (trying to go back on his mission.) I had the awesome opportunity to have him join us for a few hours last night and to go and teach some lessons. Something that I learned last night is that Heavenly Father provides a way for us to embrace the gospel and have spiritual experiences. How grateful I am for that, and I hope my friend had as good as an experience as I did!
I love being a missionary, and doing this work!
Russell's Email 8-13-09
Saturday we baptized our last investigator. Tragic experience because now we have no one to teach. Elder s. and I have been trying to come up with different ideas to help us find some more people and guess what?! We have gotten no where! Of course that hasn't discourages us, we are still working hard. We have been using Preach My Gospel to try to find those things that will help us, and one of the things we are doing is fasting! Now, recently I learned that I'm not supposed to ask you to join in special fasts, so I won't! But I do ask that you remember this in your prayers! If you can be really specific, we are fasting to find new investigators that we can teach, who will progress and that we can baptize!
The Lord knows our hearts, and I know that. Yesterday we had the zone leaders down from Elko and we went on splits. Because of our lack of investigators, we did a lot of finding, and we even did some stuff that was totally foreign to the Las Vegas mission. WE WENT TRACTING!
All I hear is about ineffictive tracting is. It's no fun, it's hard, no one gets baptized as a result, blah blah blah. Tracting is awesome! We found three new investigators (but we need more!) and taught several lessons yesterday! I wouldn't want to tract all day every day, but I really enjoyed myself!
Russell's Email 8-6-09
Things in Ely are kickin'! We have almost no one to teach, but some how we have mangage to still do awesome work!
Last weekend we had a baptism in Lund NV, their second baptism this month. We had the baptism at the "Waters of Lund" aka, the most beautiful spring in the world. It looks about a foot deep, but where the baptism took place was about 3.5 feet deep. It reminded me of Mosiah 18:30. I think about this because, no one has been baptized in the spring in years, but many people came and it stirred a lot of tender memories. It really was a beautiful place and an awesome baptism.
This weekend we have another baptism, this one is equally awesome. This lady has been working to this point for over 6 months and finally she will be able to enter the waters. I'm so excited, especially to be the missionary that sees her to this point because so many have crossed her path.
My other huge excitment is this. (Hold onto your hat Dad) I love doing service. This morning for our preperation day exercise, Elder Swank and I went and cut firewood for a recent convert. I love cutting wood! I don't know if I would enjoy it as much if I always had to do it, but I really have fun cutting it for service!
I also got to go out to the Church Ranch in Garrison NV. We had our district meeting out there, had fresh steaks and corn on the cob, went driving around and took lots of pictures (I'll send those next week too.) Our last stop was a really neat creek. Story has it that a man from the south didn't want to give up his slaves so they up and left to NV and this was the settlement they established. It's a really neat little place but the spirit there was awesome. While we were there it just felt like paradise. So pretty... I'll send pictures.
I love serving my mission and having fun here. When you serve the Lord with the right attitude, and the best obedience you can, you really feel the Spirit and enjoy the work. I know that this is the best decision I've ever made, and to live this gospel is the best thing you can do. I love being here and, despite the difficulties, it's the greatest experience in my life. I hope that everyone who reads these can feel the spirit in their hearts, for I know this message is true!
Elder Hitchcock
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Russell's Email 7-23-09
I got a new companion (my second comp in Ely) and he is Elder S. from Maine. The only thing about him is he scares me with how similar we are. Other than that, it's soooo awesome to be serving with him. He is about 18 months out, and so this is probably his last stop in the mission, but I'm leanring a ton from him.
I almost feel like we are reopening an area. When we baptized B. last week, we almost emptied our teaching pool and now we are searching from new investigators! (Calling all RM's, you should write me {contact the sister by way of comment for the address}and tell me your finding ideas for small towns. How did you do the work in your "Ely"?) When Elder Swank came in, I realized, we are teaching a ton of people who aren't do anything! So now we are trying to change how we do missionary work in the area. We shall see how it turns out.
I had a super neat experience last week. We attended Lund ward on Sunday. The first big highlight was they had homemade bread for the sacrament. I felt like a was in a Joseph Smith movie or something. AWESOME...
But no, the big highlight was this. There is a governement funded ranch outside Ely that is owned by a member. About 6 boys from the ranch come to church almost every week and they were expressing desires to learn and join the Church. The boy's ranch is basically a jouvie alternative, and it's neat to see kids want to change after seeing the life they were heading towars. We are trying to find a way to get permission to teach them right now, but it's sooo neat. I love being here in Ely!
This weekend is Lund Pioneer DayS! (yes, DAYS. This is Lund we are taking about.) They have team sorting and branding, rodeos, fireworks, parades, etc. We are going to try to do service and do some less active work down there this weekend because that's where everyone will be.
I'm having fun in Ely. The work is true and it presses forward in Sin City or in little old Ely. I love being a part of this work. I hope these things inspire you to strengthen your faith and to share this message with others.
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 7-16-09
this is an old tire shop/chicken coop down in lund.
Russell's Email 7-9-09
The first is our investigator down in Lund, B., who is going to be baptized on that 18th! She is so awesome, and her husband is getting the priesthood on Sunday so that he can baptize her! I'm so stoked, she's one of those that will be to the temple in a year! I'm really pumped for that! We also took a member with us to her home, and this member is friends with B. but she added so much to the lesson! I love teaching with members and seeing them have a spiritual experience. There's really not much better than to see a member get excited, because then they share the gospel even more!
The second was an answer to my fast. Saturday night I knelt down and began my fast, and maybe 5 minutes later (I was shinning my shoes) the phone rang and it was the Bishop of Lund ward. He told us about someone he had just met, J. He had recently moved to Lund with his brother, J. (who is a member of the Church.) He had been taking the lessons down in Vegas and he wants to get baptized. I'm so excited for this to happen. There are tons of little details to figure out, but no worries, we will figure it all out.
Ely is a great place and I love serving here. Right now we are at a little bit of a low point. I want to ask everyone at home to pray for us here in Ely, and also pray for the members, that we might have more people to teach. Ely, we can't do much here by our own efforts. We have to have the members help, and I could use some extra prayers!!!
Those are the exciting things. Oh yeah, the Tour de France started. I was trunky. There's a family here who is keeping me posted, and it's driving me nuts. I'm trying to avoid them so I don't get distracted... I hope everyone has a great week!!!
Russell's Email 7-2-09
Okay, Imagine you are on a boat in the middle of the ocean, you find you are sinking and there is a big hole in the boat (and there is to much water to bail out...) What do you do????
Anyway, Dad your sense of humor is still very much a part of me. This week has been really good. I think Lund is my favorite place in the state of Nevada. We are still working towards baptism with our investigator there, and we were teach The Gospel of Jesus Christ on Monday and we were teaching her about baptism and the sacrament, how they are connected. Well, turns out she knew the whole time what we were talking about, and it really took me off guard. I asked her how she knew and she said she had read it in her "Converts guide to mormonism" My mind=blown. It was pretty crazy.
A quote that Sister B. (from Cookeville TN) shared this week has really stuck in my mind. "There is not faith or growth in convience, only in sacrafice." Over the past few days, I feel I have grown some and my mission is becoming more joy than sacrafice. I think, what am I giving up? All I am doing is gaining....
Another neat experience is one I want to share. In Lund and Preston (about 500 people between the two towns, seperated by a two lane highway) there are only a few nonmembers. Of course members try to work with most of them, but one member said, "I feel like I need to invite her to something." We challenged her to figure it out and take action, we left her with a book of Mormon, a couple ideas, and told her to pray. This past week we found out that she had given her the Book of Mormon. The Lord is preparing people to hear this message, and it's up to us to act. We can share this message that blesses families for eternity, or we can selfishly be missing in action (as Elder Perry talked about in conference) while others perish without the gospel. Jospeh Smith said, "After all that has been said, the greatst and most important work is to share the Gospel."
I hope everyone will keep their eyes open for missionary opportunities.
I love you all, and good luck this week.
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 6-25-09
My highlight of this week was a baptism that I got to take part of with Elder and Sister B. They are pretty much my heros in the mission field and I have grown to really love and respect them. Anyway, they had a 77 year old investigator who had made the decision to follow the Savior's example and be baptized, despite her huge fear of water. (she said she could hardly take a shower because of the water on her face, much less be baptized and be immersed in the water.) Anyway, she struggled to get herself to the font and Sister Beaty offered a prayer that gave her the courage to face her fears. Even though I was there and in the water, I didn't really do anything (except grab her towel really quick to get the water off her face) but it was truly a blessing to me to see a 77 year old woman overcome a fear like that. It's so great to be a missionary and to do this work. I really love it.
Russell's Email 6-18-09
On Saturday we had a baptism of a 13 year old here in Ely NV! That was the 8th person that I have had the opportunity to be involved with that was baptized. It's so great to get to be one of the Lord's servants!
On Monday we had such an amazing lesson with one of our investigators down in Lund NV. That day was neat because we actually had dinner with her sister in law (H.) and H.'s husband. We knew that she had received her answer that the Book of Mormon was true. So we knew that she was ready to be set for baptism.
As we taught the Plan of Salvation, we taught about eternal families and how we can be with our families for forever, not "till death do us part." We read 2 Nephi 31:10-11 with her and then asked her to be baptized. Here's what makes this event better.
Her husband was baptized in Las Vegas while he was going to UNLV but fell away pretty quick because he didn't have much support. He never received the Priesthood so we challenged him to work to obtain that priesthood so that he could baptize his wife. He's going to work towards that as she works towards baptism.
Something they said has really stuck with me. She said, "Our marriage has been really good but as we have been reading the Book of Mormon together, we have grown closer and things are going even better." Truly, this Gospel is designed to bless the lives of families.
It's no secret about the time that I spent in GA and at home when I should have been on my mission. While this was a difficult time, I know that I am now better prepared to serve the Lord and testify of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We had a lesson with an amazing member of the Church who is working back to activity. As he was reading the Book of Mormon, he read something that just destoryed his hope and he allowed Satan to test the waters and make him believe that he couldn't progress. I felt so great to get to share my testimony of the power of the atonement and I know he felt the spirit. It was an amazing night as we shared these feelings and beliefs.
On Tuesday I had the opportunity to give a short training on using the Book of Mormon more in our teaching. As I understood the importance of using the Book of Mormon more, I gained a greater love. Everyone has access to the Bible and so many have a faith and testimony of it, but the Book of Mormon is another testament of the Savior. We teach more from it because it confirms their faith in the Bible and helps others grow even closer to the Savior. I also read a really cool paragraph in Preach My Gospel as I prepared this short teaching. It said, "You too should apply this promise regularly to strengthen and renew your testimony of the Book of Mormon."
The promise that is referred to is Moroni 10:4-5
"And when ye shall receive these things I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."
I have reapplied this promise and I want to invite everyone to do the same. Moroni doesn't say, "the lord will only tell you once" and I know that applying it again really does strengthen that testimony.
My mission is awesome, I love it.
I hope all is well at home and that everyone is being blessed.
Elder Hitchcock
Friday, June 12, 2009
Russell's Email 6-11-09
So I was sure that I was going to be staying in North Las Vegas for at least another six weeks, but the Lord has other plans for me. I was transfered up to Ely NV which is 3 hours from everything and in the middle of no where. I am 3 hours from Salt Lake, 3 hours from St George, 3 hours from Las Vegas, 3 hours from Elko, and there is nothing here! I love it!
Ely is about 5000 people and is about 6500 feet elevation. I left vegas in a short sleeve shirt and melting hot, and now I am in cold 50-60 degree weather and I'm almost always wearing my sweater or jacket, (or both).
My new companion is Elder H. from Flordia. He has been out about 9 months and the only other missionaries close are Elder and Sister B. from Cookeville TN. It's neat to be around them, and our whole district is from the south, 3/4 from TN. Pretty sweet....
We work a lot more with the members here and they are wonderful. We have a baptism set up for Saturday, with 2 more perspective baptisms this transfer. It's such a blessing to serve here (OH! and I'm in a car so I get to ride my bike again FOR FUN!!!) and, according to the other missionaries, it's also an honor. Aparently, if you get sent to Elko zone (bapsically everything north of Las Vegas) President trusts you. I'm excited to be here.
I don't have to many stories yet, but this is a neat town. I love being a missionary and sharing the gospel.
I think the best experience thus far was a lesson with a lady named B. and her husband D.(who had an argyle Fox Racing hat... yes, I wanted to take it). We taught about the Restoration and shared scriptures from the Book of Mormon. It was a really neat experience because this lady truly wants to know. I love the message of the Restoration because a person will grow closer to God by abiding by this message than any other message. I know this is true because I am constantly growing closer to Him.
I really love being a missionary. This is really the greatest thing I could do. Serving the people of Nevada, serving my brothers and sisters is the most joyous work. I'm glad I am here. I wouldn't change it for anything!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Russell's Email 6-4-09
We also set someone, her name is O. and we have another lady, L., who we will set for baptism soon. The Lord is truly blessing this area. I love getting to do the things I have in this area. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me in this area and mission.
This week I have seen more and more the Lord's hand and the love that he has for his children. It seems each week I become more and more aware of this and my love for the Savior grows even more. It's such a blessing to be able to bless the lives of others.
Something really neat, the missionary program is starting to focus more on lessons taught to investigators with members, and so we have been doing that. Working with members of the Church is so amazing! Their added witnesses and the spirit they bring, it's great. The more LTM's (lessons taught with members present) the more progressing investigators. The more progressing, more enter the waters of baptism. Learning to work with the members in North has changed my mission. I love it.
Yet again, time is short. I love it here though, and I know that this is the Lord's work. I'm confident of that.
Russell's Email 5-14-09
I think that my most favorite experience of the week is this. We are having a contest with the missionaries I live with to see who can have the most "other lessons" in the week. (Other Lessons = 2 principles and a commitment, these can be taught in homes or on the streets) during this, Elder J. and I have talked to sooooo many people. We talked to one lady who invited us back after we talked about families with her (turns out she has 5 or six kids!!!). We went to our appointment with her, she had forgotten about it but before we could ask her if we could reschedule, she asked us. We did and before we left, I looked over her shoulder into the house and I saw a "Return with Honor" plaque hanging on the wall. I thought that was neat, and I have a good feeling about teaching her.
We also had another really awesome lesson with the family we are teaching that the parents are deaf. We gave them the Restoration pamphlet and told them to read it and then we went and watched the movie, the Restoration. The experience during the first vision was amazing. I'm pretty sure she knows it's true, and it's a testimony to me that the spirit doesn't need a langauge to touch the hearts of God's children. it was simply amazing....
I love being here and sharing this message with others. The Gospel is truly where happiness is, and nothing can take the place of Spirit. I know that this gospel is the way, and that Jesus Christ lives and loves us. I have learned so much this past week, and it's great to be able to serve others.
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 5-7-09
Each area provides a unique challenge. One of the biggest challenges here in North is finding people who speak english and who are sincere. What's great though, is I know they are out there.
I think my most favorite experience is a family we went to see, the kids are members and the parents aren't. The parents are also deaf. I have had the opportunity to go and to try to remember all the ASL that I can and to talk to this family. The kids want to come back to Church, and the parents want to come. I'm so excited, and to see the Lord use me was a neat experience.
I really love serving with my companion Elder J. He is a great missionary and has a great love for this gospel. He is teaching me so much, and really helping me develope into the missionary I want to become.
We had interviews with President this past week and I had a great one. One thing that was in common in mine and Elder J.'s email was that He (President) and the Assistants felt like Elder J. and I were the missionaries to come into the area brand new and make it better. Knowing that I am called of God gives me a deep feeling of responsibility, knowing that President has that much trust in me scares me to death hahaha. I love this area though, and the people here are fantastic.
We are still seeking out those who have been prepared by the Lord's hand to receive this message. Sometimes we find people who are more open than others, but we haven't stopped trying to find them yet. I'm really thankful for the opportunity to have a new start in a new area and to work in such a great place.
If there is one truth that I am continually reminded of, it's this. God is our loving Heavenly Father. I know that's true. I hope next week I can tell ya'll we set someone for baptism, but we shall see! I love ya'll
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 4-30-09
I'm transfered to the North Stake in North Las Vegas. This place is great, but it's pretty much the polar oppisite to Henderson. I thik I will learn Spanish here, and I know that will be a blessing for the rest of my mission!
My new comp is Elder J. from Canada. He has served the past 4.5 months with me in the Green Valley zone, so I know him. We were whitewashed in (where a ward gets two new missionaries) and so we are working to make this transfer work.
Elder J. and I have pretty much cleaned the entire apartment now, from mopping the floor to washing the couch cusions and cleaning the walls. I like neat. I remember a quote that says, "be the change you wish to see." That's what I am trying to do.
We have a baptism for Saturday, it's an 11 year old named L. all his siblings have joined the church, but his parents still haven't. As far as we know so far, he is really our only promising person. We shall see as the transfer unfolds.
I've learned a lot already. I didn't know what to do because I didn't know the area, the people, anything. I started to study in the Book of Mormon about Alma and the sons of Mosiah when they "whitewashed" the land of Nephi and the Lamanite people. I really enjoyed this study so far and it gave me some great insights. Service, obedience with exactness, leading by love and example, so many different things that are a blessing!
I'm really grateful to be here in North with Elder J. I sense a great deal of growth is in my future as we work to turn this area around and leave it much better than how we found it. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve my Heavenly Father and for the blessings as of late. I know this is the Lord's work
I will have more to report on next week. I love you all. Pray for me please, and I'll pray for you.
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 4-23-09
We are getting some really amazing contacts and investigators lately. A fun experience, I might have written about before, but we had a family of 7 (four of them are baptism age) moved into the area. The Lord's hand has been in their life the whole past like... 3 months. They were taught everything by some other missionaries and then they moved into our area (hehe the Lord loves me too!) and now they are on fast progress towards baptism. I really love the C. family and it's awesome!
Another huge miracle that we saw this past week was we were teaching T. T. is 15, his girlfriend is a member and he has been coming to Church and seminary for like, 2 months. His dad was against him joining the church, so we kept teaching him. One of our last lessons, we had it at the Bishops house. When Bishop joined the Church, his situation was very similar to T.'s. We asked Bishop to share his experience and he did. The thing that made the difference for bishop, he and his friends and the missionaries fasted that a way would be provided for him to join the Church. A few days later, one event led to another and his dad gave him his approval. That was the challenge we gave to T. Well, bishop took T. home and met his dad, and now T. has a baptism date. It's amazing how the Lord provides ways for his children to keep the commandments.
Another experience that sticks out, I think I shared about before. We were at bishop's house and we challenged his daughters to have some friends over for a lesson. Well, we had one of the lessons the other night and it went really well. I called Bishop this morning and was talking to him, and we were talking about one of the young men, B. His mom broke her wrist and so some of her friends have been helping B. get to and from school. (they are both moms and return missionaries, and one is a ward missionary.) B.'s mom called the ward missionary and asked, "Joyce, what are ya'll teaching my son about celestial and terrestial and telestial?" She replied, "Um, we haven't been talking about the Church with him..." Eventually it came out that we had a lesson with him and she said, "Well, he is at the age that he needs to decide and find for himself what he believes." Um yeah, he's coming to Church!!!!!!!!
I'm so grateful to serve my mission. I'm thankful for the love of my Heavenly Father and for the difference that it makes. How I love this Gospel, and how I love to grow in it.
I hope these experiences help to build your faith and give you courage to open your mouth and share the Gospel. People need what we have in this restored gospel, but they typically won't take that first step. Elder Perry invited us to open our mouth and gave us the things we should say. The first to ward our neighbor and declare our beleif in the Savior. Then to open your mouth and tell the first vision in your own words. Last, to open you mouth and bear testimony of the Book of Mormon. Then he gave a great promise, "And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"
The Lord loves his children and wants them all to return home. May we take the courage to act and all labor in this rewarding work.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Russell's Email 4-9-09
The week started in opposition as we had a zone conference where we hiked to the top of a mountain in Bootleg Canyon in Boulder City, NV. (That place has epic mountain biking. I was trunky for my bike.... bad, I'm only 4 months out. I shouldn't be trunky for anything.) As we got to the top of the mountain, we sang High on the Mountain Top and then we spoke about vision. As we overlooked Boulder City, Las Vegas, and Lake Meade, we learned about the Vision that Heavenly Father has for us, and how we need our own vision. He quoted Psalms, "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." I then got to speak on obedience and letting virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly. I loved being able to take part in the conference. My main points to get accross were, "You cannot live the spirit of the law without first obeying the letter of the law." and "A thought does not have to be bad to be unvirtuous." I think I made the example because during the hike to the summit, I saw two mountain bikers and, in passing, I checked out their bikes. I stood on top of this mountain and said, "was that thought bad? NO! but it distracted me from my purpose and left me unprepared to share the gospel if an opportunity had presented itself. A thought does not have to be BAD to be unvirtuous."
Upon returning to the chapel after almost being blown off the mountain by 50 mph winds, we sat together and President said something that still sounds in my mind. "If you have vision, you will succeed. If you don't, the people perish."
Another great blessing came when we receieved a phone call. A family of 7 just moved into our ward, and four of them are baptism age and have already been taught the Gospel. The C. family is getting ready now, and we are so excited for this work to progress even more.
I don't have time to write much more, but it's okay. I know this work is true, the Lord is at the head of it. I know that Heavenly Father loves his children, and I know that he wants us to be happy. This is the way, and it's the only way.
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 4-2-09
I see the power of missionaries. In the last two weeks, about 4 families who have been less active have decided to come back to Church. Elder Hunt and I have the opportunity to teach them about the Priesthood to prepare them to receive it. I'm REALLY excited for the blessings that are to come to these people.
I also had the opporunity to have Family Home Evening with the U. family. I have such a love for them and I'm so grateful for the blessing that they have been in my life. It's amazing to see the hand of the Lord as he acts in our lives.
I'm also really grateful for the leadership of the church on the local level. I am amazed at the kind of man that Bishop Brandt is and how respectable he is. I love working with the leadership and having their help in this work. It's true, missionaries cannot do anything without the assistance of the ward and it's members.
I love being here and serving the Lord. Many young people believe, "When I go on a mission, I have to meet this sterotype." It's so not true... I love being me and interacting with people, building their faith in Jesus Christ and helping them to see that, because Heavenly Father loves us, there is always more.
One such example is a man named S. We talked to him and he had talked to missionaries several times before. I asked what the thought and he was kind of stand offish. I said, "S., do you know that Heavenly Father knows you and loves you?" He replied that he wasn't all that sure there was a God. I held my arms out like "LOOK AROUND!" and said, "S., the things we have here, the sun, the mountains, the trees, all these beautiful creations testify that Heavenly Father is real and that he loves his children." That was pretty much the end of that contact but I could tell he was touched by the Spirit and that he wanted to be happy and he felt something.
I'm grateful for this experience to serve the Lord and to grow in this gospel. I know this is the faith that produces salvation and I know the Savior is indeed the way, the truth and the life.
Granted, as a 20 year old with one year of college and "real world" (ha, it's not really real world) experience, there's a lot of things that I don't know. However, this is one that I know without a shadow of a doubt.
Elder Russell Christian Hitchcock
Russell's Email 3-26-09
Right after that we had another lesson at the Bishop Brandt's house. His daughter Ashley had invited a few friends to have a lesson and we were joined by her friends and two other youth from the ward. The lesson was awesome and I really loved to see the spirit they had because everyone there wanted to learn. It's amazing what the Spirit can does... It doesn't surprise me, but it amazes me everyday...
Then Tuesday happened. Tuesday was perhaps the worst day of my mission so far. Our appointments fell through until dinner, and we rode about 3 miles to dinner only to learn they had moved, and so we had to ride another mile or two. Once we got there it wasn't bad, and we enjoyed their company. After dinner we had a good lesson with a member and her friend. A. (the friend) has been looking for a purpose in life and needing the sense of direction the Gospel offers. I really enjoyed teaching because I think she made some connections!
So Tuesday was really bad... But Wednesday... What to say about wednesday. I would say it was the most effective prosolyting day of my mission. I loved it and enjoyed it so much! Oh so many stories for the journal, I'd share but I'm out of time now...
Maybe next week I won't close the email or forget my planner. Thanks for all the support!
Elder Hitchcock
The first two pictures are disposing of alcohol The third is Elder Davis, Bishop Brandt, and me The last is the U. family and Elder Davis and me.
Note from Haley
Fast forward many months: I got the sweetest email from a family in Elder Hitchcock's ward, who were going to feed the missionaries one night and apparently Elder Hitchcock conveyed his love of this certain pasta dish. This sweet family was going to make one of his favorite meals for him. Of course, I sent the recipe, and they sent me back this picture of Elder Hitchcock and Elder Davis, along with their family.
Thank you to the Vazquez family for feeding my brother, and for going out of your way to cater to a picky eater!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Russell's Pictures 3-12-09
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Russell's Email 3-12-09
We have been teaching more and the Lord is blessing our efforts. We are teaching some less active people who are progressing so quickly, and we are about to challenge one young man to prepare himself for a mission, which is a huge commitment for this guy. What I love the most, is that through the gospel it's possible!
The past few weeks we have been doing a lot of service. I heard a funny saying, it was "When you are a missionary, you are a full time missionary and a part time moving service." I enjoy doing service, and it's great to help people with stuff that they couldn't do on their own. We offered to help someone move and the guy said, "It's okay, we just hired a crew to help us." I thought, and asked Elder Davis, "Why in the world would you hire a crew to help you move?" He replied, "That's what you have to do when you don't have an Elders Quorum to call." I found it really funny...
We also had a sweet experience with a young man in one of my wards. He is 20, a great guy, but he is handicapped and wasn't going to get to serve a mission. We learned he really wanted to serve, but he seemed hopeless about serving a mission. We heard that the whole mission office was being released in the next few months and talked to the mission president. Elder S. is now going to have the opportunity to serve an 18 month mission serving in the mission office for the Nevada Las Vegas mission. He was so grateful for that opportunity, and I was so happy that we played a part in his chance to serve.
I love seeing the Lord's hand in our lives. He is so aware of each of his children and their needs. What's more amazing, is that he meets the needs of his children. I love it. It's amazing.
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 3-5-09
Even more excited, I can't wait to challenge them to go to the temple in a year. I hope they do and that I can accompany them!
We have also had some great opportunities to do service for some of the members. In the past two weeks I have seen the power of the Priesthood and the impact of our calling. I love the support that we have from our Heavenly Father.
We also had a really great experience with a member family. Green Valley is a pretty rich place and so members really are key to the missionary work. We prayed about some families and went to see one of them. We had a special lesson about sharing the gospel and invited them to have a person in their home to teach. The father (who is the head of the Las Vegas Swat team and one of the top five tactic leaders in the nation) said, "We have been really slacking on our member missionary opportunites. As we have talked, a few names have come to mind and we will have them here for a lesosn." I was like, OH WOW! That built my testimony!
I love serving, and the experiences I am having are ones that will be eternal. I cannot wait to have more experiences and I love writing them (I just wish I had more time to write... oh well.)
Thanks for your support, I love you all.
Elder Hitchcock
Friday, February 27, 2009
Russell's Email 2-26-09
We also had Zone Conference where we got to meet with President Christensen. It was a really neat experience to have his instruction and to talk about the content of the L Tom Perry meeting a few weeks ago. Lucky, we get to apply these programs that he talked about which will help the work so much more now. I'm excited to teach more and contact less. the neat thing about it is, the members are becoming out full time finders and we are becoming full time teachers. Pretty sweeeeet. I got to sing a special musical number with 5 other elders too! We sang "Brightly Beams our Fathers Mercy" and "Come thou fount" all to the tune of come thou fount and it was awesome. The story behind Brightly Beams our Fathers mercy is really neat. It says "Brightly Beams our Fathers mercy, from his lighthouse evermore." the lighthouse is the gospel and his love. It's salvation. It's the Savior. "I am the light of the world." Then it says, "but to use he gives the keeping of the lights along the shore." So the lighthouse is where we want to be, but the lights along the shore were placed between coral reefs that would destroy a boat. A sailor would point his boat directly at the fire and he would be lead safely into the harbor. Such is our duty is to lead those who are "poor fainting struggling sea men" safely to the harbor of the Lord's love.
We saw this lighthouse experience as we taught Nancy. She is struggling with her mother and we were able to teach and testify of the Savior and his atonement, and the strength that he can provide to help us through our trails. While they don't disappear, we have the strength that we stand in need of to face whatever. It's the invitation of the Savior in Matthew "Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
So on a lighter note, Sampson got punched in the face on his mission, so I have to share my story. Elder Davis and I are running late to an appointment and we pass two guys walking who looked less than presentable so we kept riding (we were already late) but one of the guys flagged us down. He said, "You're mormons right?!" "yes...." "Let me tell you a thing or two about Joe Smith!" he said something about visions and then looked at Elder Davis "Do you see visions?!" "I personally.." DO YOU SEE VISIONS? "No." He turns to me, "Do you see visions?" (with my bike between me and him) "I know it's true." He gets in my face and touches his forehead to my helmet, "Do YOU see visions?" I said, "sir, we gota go. Here's a card, visit the website on the back. Have a great day." and we started to leave but he said something else to Elder Davis, so he stopped for a second more. as he starts to leave, the guy says, "Go! Be with God..." Oh, maybe I should have mentioned earlier he had a bag with 3 HUGE cans of beer and that he looked as if those were round two.... hahaha I alsmost peed my pants! but all ended well!
Oh yeah, DAd, I get to teach seminary on Monday. hahaha
That's the highlights of the week I think. I love serving and doing this work. there is not another place I would rather be. I'm glad I still have so much time to serve.
Thanks for stopping by, and stay classy
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 2-19-09
On Sunday Elder Davis and I had a really good day. We made a street contact that invited us back and when we went she wasn't there but her sister was! We set up a return appointment and that fell through but her sister called while we were at church and left us a message asking us to stop by.
We had a lesson with her and set her for baptism. Jamie is scheduled to be baptized on the 28 of March but she has a long way to go. However, I know the atonement is real and that it has power to change behaviors.
After that lesson, we had a lesson with the U. family (the ones who came to church seeking help.) We set both of the parents for baptism for the 14 of March and are focusing on the kids now. I don't think they will have much problem making this date, but we aren't going to leave anything up to chance.
Yep, that's right. We set three people in one day! I feel like I'm in south America :P
We are also teaching several less active families who are speeding towards reactivation. The B. family was at church and will be there again. The F. family just needs a little push and we are working with them. The C.'s are really progressing and moving along quickly. We are about to start meeting with the W.'s who I can relate to pretty well. The parents both ride/race bikes pretty heavily. I'm excited to see where that goes.
The Lord is aware of his children. I see that every day. Preach My Gospel talks about having faith the Lord will put people in our path, that He is preparing people for the Gospel, and I know that's true.
This week I had a renewed gratitude for the Atonement of the Son of God. Go look at Who can deny the Christ? He is the literal living son of our literal living God. Watch the video on of "Mormons are Christians" by Elder Jeffery R Holland. Who can deny the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ? No one can if they are touched by the Spirit.
I love this work. I am often reminded of the statement "If the Church wasn't true, the missionaries would have destroyed it a long time ago." While this is funny, it's so true! No unhallowed work could move forward in the hands of 19-25 year old missionaries. This work HAS to be true. Try that logic.
Elder Hitchcock
Monday, February 16, 2009
Russell's Email 2-12-09
This week was slower with not as many highlights, but the big things that we got were super! For FHE with our bishop, we taught him the message of the restoration and the spirit was so strong. After the lesson, Elder Davis asked him, "Bishop, we know the rep of the missionaries before was not good and we feel like we don't have the trust of the ward. How can we get that?" Through tears the bishop replied, "Do that, do what you just did." It was a super neat experience.
We are also close to commiting the U. family for baptism. They have said they want to join the Church and all that, but as we teach we haven't felt that impression yet. Follow the Spirit right? They will get baptized though.
We are also moving towards baptism with another investigator but she is a little more long term. She needs to get married and change a few things, but I don't think she is more than a month out if she will get married. I really love teaching her with her less active husband and her to be in laws who are reactiving themselves. (Kealohalani from last weeks email.)
We also invited a less active family to church and found out that the husband was a RM and served in TN. Pretty neat. They were at Church. I love how so many people just need a simple invitation that just shows, "I care." It's awesome.
This mission is the greatest thing that anyone could ever do. I know it and I love it. Two years is not enough, and even though it sometimes seems like to long, it's never enough. When we only get two years to serve, and we have eternity to reflect on it, two years is never enough. But, I'll always do my best and the Lord will do the rest.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Pictures from 2-5-09
Russell's Email 2-5-09
I don't know if I will ever get used to how much the Lord blesses us everyday and how mindful he is of his children. I think it will continue to blow my mind each week. I love doing this work.
This past week has been really exciting. We have had some great lessons with very incrediable investigators and we also had about an hour and a half long meeting with Elder L Tom Perry and Elder Neal L Anderson (He gave the talk, "You know enough." at conference.) I loved it because the first thing they did was shake everyones hand. I love General Authorities.
I'll go through at a later time and type what all he talked about, or I might just try to send the meeting home (I got the voice clip of it.). I loved to hear the words of an Apostle, and the fact that he is the head of the missionary committee for the Church made it so much more inspiring.
We are still teaching the U. family, who are learning about Church. They don't have much background in religion, but they for sure see the need for it right now in their life. They are the family that came and talked to our Bishop about their daughter. I really like them a lot and they are progressing towards baptism.
We also picked up a awesome contact a few weeks ago named Nicole. She is from TN and is really good friends with one of our ward missionaries. We have another lesson with her tonight and so I'm super excited to keep moving forward with her too!
I also got a new hero last night. This girl, Kealohalani (I've mentioned her before) is my hero. She is 8, and for whatever reason decided she wanted to get baptized. Because of this desire her grandparents are now reactivated. Her father is about to start coming back to Church, and her to be step mom is getting ready for baptism. It's amazing the pure motives of a child and the example that can be set.
Elder Perry told us that we needed to start teaching 20 sit down lessons a week! As it is, we probably teach 7-10 and so Elder Davis and I are looking forward to that! The member work is about to boom, which is how it should be! Preach My Gospel was designed to bridge the gap between the ward and the missionary program. I love how it really does do that and how it's becoming the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's not the Church and the missionary program, but as we "perfect the saints, we proclaim the Gospel."
I love this work and seeing it change lives. We talk to so many people on the streets and in passing that seem to have a sense of dispair. We ask them, "Do you know that you have a loving Heavenly Father?" and then we get to testify. After that we ask, "Do you know that your loving Heavenly Father has a plan, especially for you, to return and live with him again?" We get a second chance to testify before setting an appointment. Elder Kikuchi instructed us to contact like this, and it's amazing to see the light that clicks and the dispair flee at the testimony of truth. More often then not, they turn us away, but there is always a seed of faith that is planted. I love this work. Time seems to fly by. Having already passed through a transfer is mind boggling, but it's motivating. That is six weeks less that I have to serve, so for the next 14 periods of 6 weeks, I must serve with all my heart, might, mind and soul.
Thanks for your support. Thanks for the letters. Thanks for the emails and the encouragment. I love hearing from everyone and I really enjoy sharing these experiences. I pray every day for those at home and those who are so precious to me. I love you all, and I'll hear from you soon.
Elder Hitchcock
Monday, February 2, 2009
Russell's Email 1-29-09
Hey everyone,
This week was another great week for missionary work. I am having so much fun here in Henderson and I really love seeing the work progress. I love seeing the changes that people make, but I continue to see the Lord's hands in the work, and that I am just the instrument.
So last night we were teaching this 8 year old who wants to get baptized. Kealohalani got her grandparents to come back to Church and her inactive father and his girlfriend have been attending the lessons. Part way through the lesson last night, we talked to Kea about baptism and then a tought came to me, "John 14:26." After reading Galations 5 about the fruits of the Spirit, we read John 14:26 and I took at the parents and I said, "Jonna, one thing I have learned on my mission is to follow impressions. Do these scriptures describe the way you have felt as we have taught?" She looked sheepish and with a "I don't want to admit it" look, she said "yes." I looked at her boyfriend Tom (Kea's dad) and he shook his head also. I said, "Jonna, will you prepare yourself to be baptized, and Tom, will you prepare yourself to come back to the Church?" It was awesome....
Another story, on the flip side, shows the fight against this work. The other day we were having a lesson with the U. family (family of 4) and half way through the first vision, the dog went crazy over nothing and you could feel opposition. Soon after, just as with Joseph Smith, when Heavenly Father said, "Joseph, this is my beloved son, hear him." The only feeling remaining in the room was the Spirit.
We also have had some great lessons with ward missionaries lately. A neat couple attended the U. lesson with us, and then the W. family has given us two referrals that have turned out very promising. I know one of them wants to get baptized, and that the other is very sincere in her interest. To quote her, she said, "I don't want to raise my boys to be men, I want them to be men of God." We are teaching her again tonight, and I think we will open up with the story of the Strippling Warriors.
I love my mission. It's absolutely amazing to think it has already been almost a whole transfer. This work is the greatest work on the face of the earth and it will continue to roll forth. I love serving each day and seeing people's days be brightened not because of me, but because of the message we are sharing.
I love you all. Thanks for your prayers and the help I get.
Elder Hitchcock
Russell's Email 1-22-09
This week has been the most amazing so far! The past weeks have really proved to be a refiners fire and now Elder Davis and I are reaping the blessings of diligence and endurance.
A few things I have learned, number 1, my hair CAN part. (mind boggling I know) 2, The Lord is bound when we do what he says. 3, Love. No one in this world has EVER changed without feeling loved first.
This week is awesome. On Sunday we had 1 potential investigator. Sunday evening we got two referrals, and by Monday afternoon we now have 8 potential baptisms in our ward. Here's the story.
Elder Davis and I taught the Welsh family (Brother Welsh is in the Bishopric). We had told them before that we wanted a name to go and visit so Elisa (15 year old daughter) gave us the name of one of her friends Dean. So the next day she is talking to her friend Carly at school and Elisa says, "I hope Dean doesn't get mad I sent the missionaries." Carly says, "I want the missionaries to come visit me." We will teach Carly with Elisa, and Dean with his really good friend Chris from the ward.
Then Bishop Brant called us and asked us to meet him at the Chapel 15 minutes before the Stake Priesthood meeting. We sat with him and one of the YW leaders in a room and he told us a story that happened during church. A woman and her husband walked in and someone brought them to the bishops office. They were dressed in jeans and t shirts and bishop said his first thought was "Awesome, another walfare case to handle." (apartently the people of vegas work the system hardcore.) but he told us, "I looked at them and then realized they were wearing nice clothes, and that was not the case. They then told me that they were really struggling with their daughter and they always remembered the Mormon kids from school being such great kids. They want her to get involved in the young womens program. Then they wanted to include their son also." Well, turns out that now every Sunday and Wednesday is now for Church activites and us. They are a family of four!!!!
THEN! A recent covert took her friend to church. This friend saw a picture of the first vision and just broke down crying. Cecil and her 2 kids are starting the lessons TONIGHT! All of these referrals are really serious and "golden opporunities." I'll keep ya posted.
I love this work. It's awesome. I have seen myself grow as I have gotten to teach those who need the gospel. I want to share my mission goals that I wrote down.
1 Become the missionary/man I want to be.
2 Be a missionary of change. Leave EVERYWHERE better than I found it.
3 Don't just know who Christ is, but Know Jesus Christ.
4 I want to be the missionary who understands the atonement because I myself will do things for others they couldn't do for themselves.
5 Become a missionary that when I come home no one will doubt how I served my mission.
6 (This is the personality of a member who helps us out that I want to be like.) Be a RM that could be home almost a year, thinking about engagement, but would be mistaken for a RM of a month. (haha, hope that makes sense.)
7 Don't loose my greenie fire. I want to be a missionary that could train at the year mark. (President said we have tons of missionaries who train in the last 6 months, and tons who train at 4.5-6 months, but no one really in the middle.) I want to keep my focus so I could be called on to train at any time.
I know this gospel is true. I see the stone cut without hands is picking up speed as it rolls down the mountain. This isn't a worldly work. This isn't a human work. This isn't a temporal work, this is the world of our Heavenly Father.
I heard it said, "Sometimes we believe our Fisher Price compass will lead better than the Lord's Liahona." Let the Spirit guide. "Faith is the power, obedience is the price, love is the motive, the Spirit is the Key, and Christ is the reason."
I love you. I pray for you.
Elder Russell Christian Hitchcock
Monday, January 19, 2009
Russell's Email 1-15-09
Okay, so round two. This week has been nothing short of amazing. I want so badly to have my other email here so I can share all these things, but I will try again.
This week was really good. I had an exchange yesterday with Elder Barclay who came here to do a baptism interview. We had a fantastic day. First off, we had a baptism interview for Serenity . She is a 9 year old from a fully active family and has a brother about to go on his mission. How she wasn't baptized, I don't know. We have her baptism for Saturday.
We also taught our investigator, Katerina. It was a really good experience to teach her. She has a lot of sketchy stuff in her life and she was expressing some concerns so we taught her about prayer. As we taught, we prayed with her and then had her pray. Hearing her pray was really neat. Some of the things she said I thought, "Did she REALLY just say that???" But as she prayed, I realized those really were the things in her heart and I felt the Spirit.
We had a special appointment that bailed on us, but we went to talk to him anyway. This is the powerful message of the lesson, The Lord is ALWAYS mindful of his children. I'll tell you the story.
Sometimes missionaries keep super crummy records. We came across this record of a man named Don. He had been taught, set for baptism, and then it just all stopped and there was no reason for why. Elder Davis and I decided, "this week we are going to find Don ." Well, about 4 hours later, we got a phone call from another missionary in a different zone, Elder Kerr. He told us this story and gave us a referral.
"I was riding my bike on the wrong side of the road and thought, "I shouldn't be over here." I crossed and about 20 seconds later I ran into this guy. He said, "I was hoping you were going to stop and talk to me. I was almost baptized but I had an addiction problem. I'm clean now and I want to take the lessons."
We received the referral to go and teach Don. It's true, Heavenly Father loves all his children and knows what is best, and when it is right. I'll never forget that experience.
Also, it happened yesterday. I contacted someone..... ON MY BIKE. We were riding to our dinner appointment and there was a man behind me on his bike. We let him catch us and started talking to him. As we talked we learned a little more about Rick. We have an appoinment with him and will let you know how it goes. I think he could be ready with his family. He said he was looking for Church and had seen our church up on the hill. I am excited.
The pictures are funny. Elder Davis and I made the pond for a wedding reception, and we were proud of it. The scarry one is Elder Ramos, my Zone leader. The other is a 30 inch pizaa, and yes, we ate the whole thing. And.... the other is the airport!
Gotta, go, sorry this one is shorter.
Elder Hitchcock
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Week 3: 1-8-09
I have had some super neat experiences, from being cussed out by an old man in a walker to seeing prayers being answered. I really enjoy serving the Lord.
In Las Vegas we have a unique program called Truth Restored. We have billboards and business cards that have pictures on them with "The Truth about life's great questions is now restored" and the website on the back. I'm not going to lie, it's pretty awesome! Apartently, it's kind of dieing out because we were a testing ground for the Church, but I was talking to my grandfather (my trainers trainer) and he said, "I was losing truth restored, but what you just said brought a whole new perspective to it." When I give out a card, I try to pick one out for each person and I tell them that. "Sir, this card has a picture of a daughter with her father. I see that you are with your daughter at the park, and I can tell you realize the importance of that relationship. Before I came on my mission, I lived with my sister and brother-in-law after they had twins and a two year old! I really began to realize the importance of family and I wanted to share how this gospel can bless your family like it has mine." Those who were not receptive at first can rarely shoot down such a statement.
Another thing my companion and I are doing is called "Day by the way" or "Day of Valor." This is another program that is dieing in the mission, but it really awesome! Basically, people tell you "I'm not interested." Day by the way, or day of Valor, gives us an opportunity to account for those who choose not to listen to us. The object is to talk to ten people throughout the day and try to share the gospel with them or talk to them about eternal things. It's a really neat program.
While are area is still slower as far as investigators go, it is for sure picking up pace. Elder Davis and I are working harder than ever and really getting a lot more done. The members are becoming more involved and the work is moving forward. Each night we account for our key indicators (numbers that help us reflect on how effective we are) and then we update our weekly goal board. I look at it and I can only think about the Standard of Truth.
Well............ That's about it for the time being.
OH! We have a baptism on the 17th! There is a totally active Samoan family who has a 9 year old daughter that.... just never got baptized. So, we lucked into a baptism. Teaching her (Serenity) is a really neat experience because we have to teach how Preach My Gospel is worded, as simple and basic as possible. That's where the truth power is.
I know this Church is true, and I am learning new things each and every day. It is no wonder in my mind that Heavenly Father loves each of his children and that the Plan of Salvation is the way for us to have joy. I know it's true!
Elder Hitchcock
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Russell's Email 1-1-09
So my teaching area is in Henderson Nevada, on the east side of the valley. It's a really richy area, and is known for it's little success. Last month the zone baptized only 9 people, which is kinda low for here. Anyway.... I love it here!
My first week was major adjustment for both my companion and I. Elder Davis was on a special assignment last transfer with a missionary who didn't get along with many people. So he didn't work much, and going through the process of reworking everything has taken some time. Our numbers were really crumby last week, but on Monday alone, we exceeded everything we had done the week previously. It was amazing, and the work is continuing to go forth.
A neat experience. Elder Davis (my trainer) gave me the phone and told me it was mine for the day. I wanted to tell the Primary President we would come visit her in the evening to recieve 5 names of less active, part member, or referrals that evening. She said, "I can give them to you now!" So we took them down and we were walking to an appointment when we decided to stop and see one of them.
So, rewind to leaving the apartment. We prayed for someone to teach and asked that we could be an answer to someones prayers. As we stopped to see her, she opened the door and was leaving as we arrived. We spoke for a few minutes and turned that interaction to a "referral received, referral contacted, other lesson taught, and investigator." As we walked off, she said, "you are an answer to my prayers." Can you say aMaZiNg? I witnessed it.
I can't help but think of the Standard of Truth often. I love the words of the Prophet Jospeh. They ring true, and the Spirit testifies to me each time we talk to someone.
I love this quote, it reads, "Faith is the power, obedience is the price, love is the motive, the Spirit is the key, and Christ is the reason." I have it on my planner and see it often. This is truly the work of the Lord.
Congrats on taking the missionaries to dinner. Your willingness is for sure blessing me. I have not bought a single bit of food. We have been fed every single night and, after doing some service, a member said, "let's go to the grocery store. You have 15 minutes, and 15 items each." Yeah... I'm being blessed by that willingness. The members here are really amazing. As for [a person that recently "bashed" with the missionaries in our parents' ward] though, oh well. People want to bash, and missionaries get out. That's how we work.
Elder Kikuchi came about a month before I got here and gave some awesome training. One of the things he adjusted were the contacts we made on the street. we are supposed to ask, "Did you know that you have a loving Heavenly Father who knows you personally?" "Did you know that he has a plan for you individually to return to him?" "Will tonight at 7 or tomorrow at 7 be a better time to share more of this plan that has been revleaved?" If they say no, then they have not been prepared. You thank them, testify, and find someone who is ready. I love it.
The work is great, and I am excited. Elder Kikuchi made a promise before I came. He said, "If a new missionary will baptize in his first transfer, he will baptize in each one after." That's our goal. And the work is slow in this area so the Zone is fasting to find new investigators through our efforts, and for members to give us referrals. Would you fast the rest of today and support our Zone in this work? I know that the Lord will hear and answer the prayers of our fast because in the Pre-Earth Life he lost 1/3 of his children. Is there any doubt he would answer the prayers of his servants so that we can help to bring the other 2/3 back to him? I promise that we will succeed in this work, but I promise in the Savior's name that if you will help support, that the work will speed up faster. The field is white, already to harvest, in the east, and in the west. From the rolling hills of TN to the deseret of Las Vegas.
I hope to hear from you soon. I love you all and I am thankful for the support you give me. I was really excited to hear about your Christmas, and to speak to you then. I cannot wait to hear back from you.
Elder Russell Hitchcock
Russell's Email 12-15-08
Thanks so much for your letters and all your encouragement! The MTC is so amazing and I love it. I'm not going to lie, it scares me that next week I will be leaving the MTC and traveling to Vegas.
Everyone note, I will be flying out on Monday the 22 and I will be at the SLC airport around 8 mountain time. I will also be calling sometime on Christmas, so everyone be expecting it please :)
Things here are so wonderful (except this key board is totally awful!) On Sunday during leadership meetings my branch president came in and asked my companion and I to grab our jackets and come with him. We sat down in front of the branch presidency and he said, "You two Elders have been called as our new distrcit leaders." (Note, we were called, not given a choice.) That was really neat and we will serve for one week (ie until we leave). After learning of our duties we have interviews as missionaries do each week in the MTC. Brother Stacy, a member of the branch presidency interviewed me and told me this. He said, "I want to share with you my feelings on this calling. As we prayed and spoke about who should replace the zone leaders, the thoughts and names of Elder Hitchcock and Van Etten kept coming back. I know you were called for many reasons, but one reason I believe was this is the Lord's way of saying how your repentance was acceptable." That was music to my ears and I had a burning confirmation that was true. It have given me some amazing courage to keep doing what I am doing!
I also have an awesome opportunity coming up tomorrow. My district was asked to particiapte in a training with some of the Missionary Department so they could observe the teaching here at the MTC. We talked about it, and we were told we could end up teaching Elder Holland and Perry, and other members and general authorities from the missionary department. Holy SCARY! I mention this to Brother Stacy after his commment and he smiled and said, "It will be more intimidating to teach someone whose soul still hangs in the balance." I thought that was a super good insight!
Things are going really well, and I am really happy. I am teaching so much more and I feelt the spirit teaching through me. I have come to love Preach My Gospel and I want to be a Preach My Gospel missionary. The Lord has blessed me so much, and helped to uplift me. I have come to love all the words of How Firm a Foundation, especially the last verse. it goes,
The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,
I will not, I cannot desert to his foes.
That soul, though all hell should endever to shake,
I'll never no never, no never forsake.
This gospel is true, I love it.
Haley, I cannot receive pictures.
I love you, and I pray for you often.
Elder Babycakes!
3 Nephi 9:14
I love this scripture, everyone should memorize it!